We organize, categorize, and project business finances in a way that’s simple and easy to understand.

Fractional CFO Services

Starting at $2500/Month

For help maintaining Forecasts, Identifying KPI’s, Tracking/Monitoring those KPI’s, and wanting numbers to back up big decisions we will be your Fractional CFO at the Fraction of the salary. We are built for service-based SMBs who value simplicity and transparency when it comes to their financial statements. At the end of the day, we’re a small business, too.


Starting At $600/Month

Here to free up your time from the day-to-day books so you can focus on what’s most important. With daily categorization, monthly reconciliation, and weekly reports we keep you informed on your business’s financial pulse.

1:1 Financial Strategy session

Starting at $150

During this 1-hour strategy session, we will take the time to answer any and all questions about your small business finances. By the end of our call, you’ll walk away with high-level takeaways and action steps (aka a personalized mini gameplan) that you can implement in your business immediately.

who we’ve worked with

  • I enjoy the complexity of A/R management. Working with big media companies and executing media contracts requires additional levels of detail in order for invoices to be accepted and paid in a timely fashion.

  • These services are by far the most complex to manage when it comes to the cash cycle. Introducing new technology and an employee spend management platform to provide transparency in spending has proved to be a game changer, and working with the owner to provide credit/funding to float expenses to time it with when invoices are paid

  • Web Design agencies are great because they are situated perfectly to offer a recurring service. Recurring revenue is my favorite way to provide the punch month in and month out without having to worry about the next project.

  • These agencies are tricky because they don't always have a great recurring service and requires a great deal of creativity on paper, but also during installs. Helping oversee the cash flow management through the 13 week cash flow model has proven most important.